
Showing posts from August, 2023


  You stare at the fallen in unspeakable grief, and recall the first steps, the tiny hug, the baby smell all the little details a mother knows beneath the terebinth tree oh Rizpah, the pleasure of all eyes the delight of Saul in his prime what have you become? fighting birds of prey and jackals as they stalk the decaying  flesh of your flesh... Amoni was the quiet one,  Mephibosheth the witty one, who laughed even in sadness Here they lay eyes agape in unspeakable horror, hung like thieves Saul would gather them in the small of his arms, and they, beauties to behold would giggle in delight Rizpah, your existence is that of demented reality and excruciating dreams in the middle of insanity The Jackals have come again, aiming to savour the carcasses of your decaying sons,  I stand weakened by hunger and sorrow, and shoo them away again. God of Israel,  take this pain away 

The Visitor

 Oh you pale skinned, thin lipped one With the covetous eyes Century after century you stride  Across nations leaving trails of blood and gore  The Congolese paid for your visit with the fractured arms of men, women and children, Africans visited your abode like cattle, sold of and branded  You took off one mask and wore another  Self proclaimed superior  who survived from the teat of Africa and the backs of her children You led and segregated  Stole the lands and looked down  your noses as Africa broke and grew, grew and died, died and knew, knew and now fight, You steely eyed thieves, dripping with lies,  Providing the guns and bullets to brothers who fight and die for you the ghoul to steal their carcasses. Your visit is the visit of the dead