David and the Senator

 You were picked,

ripe and ready for harvest

virle and strong

blood clean

You were

a tool, useful for your part

useless for  everything else

you would die so they could live

the distinguished and the rich

But you would strike like a snake

you little being

who didnt deserve to live

you would destroy a man 

who had lived in privildged discordance

before you had been birthed

you little one would destoy one who had many 

things but couldnt  have life

who bought the houses so that people would die

in dirty hospitals, drinking dirty water

whose familiy was picturesqe

on the glossy tabloids

which children in Cambridge, Eton and Harvard

Who wanted from you what he could never give

Little barrow pusher, little phone seller,

with a future as dark as a moonless sky

who grew up on the streets

drinking water from a plastic wrap

eating food from typhoid plates

dreaming of a life that could not promised

David, you would have sold your kidney so they could live

David you  slaughterd the Goliath who came for your life


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