I wait day after day night after night for the tears to dry for the pain to fade I laugh some days I cry some nights but it still stays, nestled comfortably next to me pain owns me, it has made me its. I am its slave the tears always fall when I am alone and the flashes come searing by, hot, hurting and painful I stop and cry and wipe and sigh and wait for this perpetuality to pass I see people with the same pain who speak empty defiant words with hard broken eyes I feel their souls are break just like mine they will try themselves to sleep in the quietness of the night they clutch don't their bibles like their shield their faces caked in makeup forgotten and forsaken old and sad theirs is the tears that wi;; never heal I wait for the days I can be free from these empty words and empty days when the tears will dey an the pain will fade and I can smile like I smile once agao until that time I clutch my sword and sigh and cry and smile