Silent God

Oh silent God oh cruel God

Oh silent sky wide and empty as life    

My tears have been wasted

My heart mourns waiting for your voice

But the knowledge of your absence doesn't lessen this despair 

I cry the tears of the fated doomed

The twisted child 

The pariah

The outcast 

The sodomised boy on death row 

We know the tears we cry in the middle of our sleep

The hope that rises with the sun

The despair that sets with the sun

Oh silent God, unjust in all your ways

Who delights in the blood of  children

and basks in the bellow of tyrants

Life is our prison of despair 

Through your silence, you have said

I cried too much, I hoped to much, I loved too much, I believed too much,

Oh silent God oh cruel God

I find your voice in the evil I see

I hope your voice sets me free from you


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