You who lived too much,

unrestrained by life's  pleasures 

so you sough and sought the dragon's tail

Belle and Beauty, so they stood bowed in awe

entrapped in your laughter,

helpess in desire

you were destroyer and builder

no one could compete with your beauty and charm, humour and zest

your were adored by all.

You were the party that never ended, long after everyone had gone home

Beauty expires, looks fades

you did not realise when the winds changed

you strode into middle age, unstabled and untamed 

unable to change, rejecting those who loved you

for the thrill of the chase

you were the the flame that destroyed all close to it

so we learned to stay far

from where we would not be razed.

Oh VV  who could not know when to stop the pursuit of pleasure 

dying alone, oh what a tragic fate 


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