I thank you

 I thank you for showing me

The side of unending pain that 

Cut through the seven layers of the soul 

The pain that goes on and on

And leaves no tears

I thank you for killing me with searing words

And burying me in my despair

That made me wait for the next tear

I thank you for the lost years of the lost voice

Of the broken hope that I groped for myself

And found the image of you molded into the depth of my soul 

I thank you for the betrayal ,the market square humiliation that left my soul bare and naked amid sneers and jeers

I learnt from you to wall away

To walk away 

Even when you came back broken by life

You found the shell you planted

Soulless and hardened by you

And I laughed at your fall

Without mirth or anguish

I thank you for the  lesson of life

I am Still learning

To be cruel to you

and laugh as you crawl in throes of pain

I learnt from you all lessons you taught 

I learnt to use all the lessons you have


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